ICT Audit

An IT audit is the examination and evaluation of an organization’s information technology infrastructure, policies and operations.
Information technology audits determine whether IT controls protect corporate assets, ensure data integrity and are aligned with the business’s overall goals. IT auditors examine not only physical security controls, but also overall business and financial controls that involve information technology systems.
Because operations at modern companies are increasingly computerized, IT audits are used to ensure information-related controls and processes are working properly. The primary objectives of an IT audit include:
- Evaluate the systems and processes in place that secure company data.
- Determine risks to a company’s information assets, and help identify methods to minimize those risks.
- Ensure information management processes are in compliance with IT-specific laws, policies and standards.
- Determine inefficiencies in IT systems and associated management.
ICT Audit

We are a dedicated team with experience in business computing and technical operations.
From requirements gathering to IT infrastructure strategy, we provide a full range of consultancy services and support to help take the hustles out of your IT projects. When you cannot find the exact IT solution you are looking for, before turning to a bespoke solution, we shall advise on how to minimize the risks and get the best out of a new project.
- Requirements Engineering
- System Testing and Evaluation
- ICT needs assessment
- IT Systems Audit
- Product Selection
- Contractual and Legal Guidance
- Development of Service Level Agreements
- Procurement Management